
eMarketing Website Profits – Step By Step Guide To Setup Profit Pumping Websites

Table of Contents
+ Introduction
+ Getting Your Product Together
+ Creating Your Website
+ How To Promote Your Website
+ Offline Promoting
+ Making Your Website Work For You
+ Using Testimonials
+ Guarantee
+ Ways To Collect Revenue
+ Marketing Through E-Book Sites
+ Keep It Moving


You have probably heard about people making hundreds of thousands of dollars simply by marketing a product on the internet. There are thousands of books out there telling you how to “get rich quick” on the internet. Most of them are bunk. This is not to say that you cannot make a tidy profit on the internet. In fact, you can easily make a living working on the internet and quit your day job. You don’t need to invest a lot of money or have a Master’s Degree in marketing, either. You just have to know what sells and how to sell it.

A few years ago, I went to work at a job that I hated every single day. I have a high school education and there was not a lot of opportunities open for me. Going to school to earn a degree was out of the question – I have two children who I support solely on my own. I had neither the time, money or energy to further my education. It was all I could do to get to work and pay the bills.

One day, I found out that my job had been “outsourced.” The company that I had relied on to “take care of me,” decided it was more important to save a few dollars and send my job to another country. They gave me a few bucks and told me to hit the road.

I was a 40-year-old widow with two kids to support and no education and little skills. I figured I would have to go on welfare or get a number of low paying jobs just to keep a roof over our heads. Then a friend told me how she made money on the internet by creating a powerhouse website and selling a product that people wanted. Best of all, the product was her own creation. She told me that I could do the same.

I had nothing to lose so I figured I would take a chance. I vowed if I made it, that I would help others in the same position.

Today, my house is paid for. I have money in the bank as well as in various retirement funds. My son is going to college in the fall and I’m able to pay for it. I have a brand new car and we took a trip to Hawaii last year. And I work from home.

How did this happen? I took my friend’s advice and started my own website, peddling my knowledge. This is something that anyone can do. And now I’m making good on the promise that I made so long ago and am willing to let you in on my secrets on how to make e-marketing website profits.

This article is a step by step guide that will teach you everything you need to know about creating the product you are going to market, getting a domain name and creating the website. I will then tell you every trick in the book about how to promote your website and your product.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. This takes a bit of work. I was tossed into this lifestyle unwillingly because I lost my job. But you can do this in your spare time until you get to the point where you can quit your day job. If you take the advice in my book and follow the simple formula on how to become successful with e-marketing, I guarantee you that you will begin to make money.

Although this takes a bit of work, it is not difficult to work at all. And you don’t need to be highly educated or even tech-savvy to be able to make money using my system. I’m far from either and I did it – so can you.

Getting Your Product Together

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Before you can create a website to sell a product, you first need to have a product to sell. You don’t want to put out a ton of money to sell a product like t-shirts, jewelry or other products. There are a million people selling the same items online and you will have stiff competition. Even with a state of the art website, you’re going to have a tough time selling merchandise. Plus you have to find a way to store the products as well as spend time shipping them.

When people think of having their own web-based business, they automatically think of a store that sells products. This may have worked well 10 years ago, but now every Tom, Dick, and Harry is doing this. No, you have to come up with something better.

Think of something that you know well. Everyone has some knowledge that they can tap into. Either a hobby, a skill or even a philosophy on life. In my case, I was an expert at preparing cheap meals for under $5. This was out of necessity as my husband dying left me little choice than to be frugal. I was an expert at making a dollar stretch when it came to food.

After you come up with your bit of knowledge or skill, you need to write it down. Write a book, so to speak. You do not have to be Ernest Hemingway in order to do this. Anyone can write a book when writing about what they know. Write down everything that you know about your idea or knowledge. You can do this in your spare time or before you go to bed each night. Sooner or later, you will have a book.

Your book should be about 50 pages long, single-spaced and typed. It can be more or less, but this is the general rule of thumb. You should proofread your book carefully to make sure that it is grammatically correct and free from typos and spelling errors. Fortunately, there is software that will do this for you.

If you are totally hopeless when it comes to putting your ideas to paper, don’t worry. There are many people who cannot write or do not have the patience or time to write a 50-page book. If this is the case, you can hire someone to ghostwrite the book for you. This will probably cost you about $200, but there are plenty of writers who will be glad to help you out for a fee.

Once the book is completed, you are going to have to have the book published as an e-book. You can copyright the book and have it published as an e-book at a number of different sites or simply self-publish the book. This is your product and what you are going to be selling online – the e-book. Nothing sells like information. People who use the internet are usually looking for information and are hungry to get it. When you offer them information that they can download at a moment’s notice, you are giving them what they want.

These are the steps you are going to need to take to get your product together:

Creating The E-Book

Figure out what you are trying to say and start with an outline. The outline can be a bit flexible, but it should highlight everything you want to cover in your book.

You should also come up with a catchy name for your e-book that will be picked up in the search engines. If you use a number, this will usually work well. I entitled my book “100 Ways To Eat Cheap.” Eat and cheap are also good keywords that will be picked up in the title. You want to make sure that your e-book title reflects the nature of the book. This is because you want to attract people who will be doing a search for this information on the internet. Many of the people to whom I sold my book found it by searching “eat and cheap” on Google, Yahoo or the other search engines.

Again, it is good if you can get the e-book to be about 50 pages. But don’t fret if you go over or under. This is your book and you can make it however long or short you would like. You are better off, however, to have a shorter book than a longer e-book. The reason for this is that people’s attention spans are shorter on the internet. They may enjoy curling up with a pen and ink book that is 200 pages long but might not feel the same way about an internet book. This is something that they will want to read quickly, so shorter is sometimes better.

You can also price your book however you like. A smaller sized book can be priced much cheaper than a long book. This can sometimes work in your favor as some people will be glad to pay $17 for a book instead of $40.

If you are unable to create the book yourself but have an idea of what you would like to market, you can hire a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter is someone who will write the book for you, for a fee, and allow you to have all of the rights to the book. You can then put your name on the book as if you wrote it. This happens all of the time in the writing world. Most autobiographies are ghostwritten.

How do you find a ghostwriter? Go on websites like Upwork or Fiverr and advertise for a writer. This is free and you will find several writers who will be glad to work on your book for you, for a price. You can look at samples of their work before choosing one that you like. You can also use the escrow services that are provided by these sites. This protects both you and the writer. Do not pay a writer up front who you do not know as there are many who will take the money and run. Using the escrow service ensures that you will get a satisfactory product.

Once the e-book is created, you have to put it in a format.

Formatting the E-Book

Most e-books are put into a PDF format. This makes it easy to send them to be sent to readers. You can also incorporate graphics into your e-book in this manner. You can either use a software program to create your own graphics or use public domain graphics in your book. You are better off to have some graphics in the e-book as just text is difficult to read, especially online.

If you are unsure of how to format the e-book, there are dozens of software programs that can do this for you. For your first e-book, it might make sense to use software for this part of the project. This may cost you a few dollars to get the software, but you can use it again and again.

There are also online companies that will format the e-book for you. They will even get you copyright for the book and list it on their website. You will have to pay a percentage to this company for selling your e-book, but it might be well worth it, especially if you are new at writing and formatting.

If you want to do this yourself, I suggest that you get Adobe software. You can pay monthly for this software and it will not cost a lot of money. While downloading Adobe to read PDF documents is free, actually formatting documents into a PDF format will cost a few dollars. But you can get Create Adobe PDF for $10 a month. There are also ways that you can create a free PDF document online.

In addition to Adobe Acrobat, there is additional software that you can buy that will allow you to format your own e-book and convert the file to PDF format.

Converting your document to PDF format allows you to send it to everyone, including those who are using Mac computers instead of Windows. PDF also allows security for your e-book. Adobe Acrobat will allow a monthly subscription that will enable you to convert your files easily to PDF from Microsoft Word or other word processing programs.

If you so choose, you can invest in a program that will enable you to format the e-book very easily and may even have built-in graphics. Take a look at the software options that are available online for formatting e-books. You can try for $50 which is a user-friendly program that allows you to create your own e-books and convert the product to PDF. In addition to allowing you to format the e-book, this software can help you protect your e-book against thieves. Take a look online at the different e-book format software that is available to you.

E-book compiler is very user-friendly, as is Adobe. There are others that are available on the internet to allow you to create your own e-book in PDF form. Once you have successfully created your e-book, you have to think of ways to distribute the product. Now you are ready to learn about e-marketing. The first thing you need to do is to create your website.

Quick Ideas For E-books That Sell:

  • Books on how to make money are always viable;
  • Books on how to save money are also big sellers;
  • Self-help books on any subject are well received;
  • How to get over heartbreak is another popular subject;
  • Investment books never go out of style;
  • Making friends is something everyone can use;
  • Finding a mate is a natural seller;
  • Improving physical attributes is always something people like;
  • Alternative medicine is another popular subject;
  • How-to books will always be needed.

Copyrighting Your E-Book

Before you release your work to the public, you will need to copyright the work with the Library of Congress. It is $45 to copyright your e-book. You simply need to print it out and send it, along with a cashier’s check for the copyright fee to the following:

Library of Congress
Copyright Office
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20559-6000

Keep in mind that you cannot copyright an idea. Your e-book is considered to be copyrighted once the check and document reach the copyright office. You will not receive a certificate of copyright for 6 months.

It is well worth it to copyright your book. Your idea may be stolen by others, but if you find that anyone uses your book in any way without your permission, you can sue them for copyright infringement. In most cases, this will not lead to an actual lawsuit but will prevent someone from using your work as their own.

An e-book does not have a long shelf life, but that is no reason to leave it unprotected. The $45 that you spend to copyright your e-book will be money well spent and can prevent someone else stealing your book and marketing it as their own. The internet is full of nefarious characters who would be glad to take something that does not belong to them and use it for their own intent. By registering your work with the United States Copyright Office, you are protecting the work that you strove so hard to attain.

Creating Your Website

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So now you have a product to sell. Just like I had my 100 Ways To Eat Cheap, you have your e-book based upon your knowledge. So what do you do with it? How do you market the book?

You can put your e-book on a site like Lulu. Lulu is a self-publishing website that will distribute your e-book to the masses, for a fee. The problem is that you are then waiting for the buyers to come to you. You need to go to the buyers in order to make money at this project.

No, you shouldn’t mind distributing your book through Lor any other e-book distributor, especially if they give you space on Amazon or other sites. And it’s well worth the fee for this. But don’t make the mistake of leaving the marketing of your e-book to other people. You have to market the book on your own in order to make real money.

And the best part about e-marketing is that there are so many ways to accomplish this for free. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or even any money, once you get

Start-up costs for e-marketing will be about $10 to register your domain name and about $10 a month to host your website. Paying $10 a month is not a lot of money at all. Both of these estimates are a bit more than what they actually will cost as websites such as will not only register your domain name for you but also host your site for about $6 a month. Not only that, but you can also use their web building tools for free.

Getting Your Domain Name

Before you can start your website, you need to think of a name for your website. First of all, you want a dot com website. Stay away from dot org or dot net. Most people automatically type in dot-com whenever they are trying to find a website. By having a dot net website, you are giving exposure to the person who has dot com. You don’t want to do that.

Your website name is also called your domain name. You will want to have it short and sweet and easy to spell. And you also want it to come up on the search engines. Over 80 percent of the people who find your website will do so on the search engines. So make sure that your domain name reflects the title of your ebook.

You can also use symbols in your name so that you can differentiate yourself from others. You want to make sure that the website comes up on the first or second page of the search engines, so be sure to make it something that someone will enter a search for.

The website name does not have to make sense. Most people will not put in an entire sentence when they are looking for something in the search engines. A domain name like will work better than Hit the keywords. In my book, the keywords were eat, cheap, recipes, food. This is what I used in my domain name. Remember, it doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to come up on the search engines.

Too many people are worried about their domain name being grammatically correct or even containing proper spelling. Many words are difficult to spell. Some words are spelled more than one way. Think about this when you are creating your domain name.

Again, you want a domain name that will contain keywords that people will enter into the search engines when they are seeking the information that you are selling in your e-book. Your domain name does not have to make sense. It just has to appear in the search engines.

Once you come up with a domain name, you need to find out if anyone has it. Plug it into a search on the three different search engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) and see if anything comes up. If there is no website for this address, you are good to go.

Shoot on over to a site like GoDaddy and register your domain name for a few dollars. You need to do this before you market your e-book so that someone else doesn’t grab the domain name and register it themselves, thus using your book to drive traffic to their own website.

Once you have registered your domain name, you can then get started developing your website. The first thing you need is a host.

Getting A Host

A host is a server that will sponsor your website. There are different types of servers. Shared servers and dedicated servers. You are going to want to use a shared server to host your website. The purpose of your website is to get people to buy your product. You do not need a dedicated server as you will probably not be getting that much traffic on your website.

Check out: World’s Most Trusted 10 Best Web Hosting Services in 2019

You can use a site like GoDaddy to host your website. They charge a nominal fee and it can be paid monthly. And again, you can use the tools that they have, which are very user-friendly, to build your site.

You don’t have to be a technological genius to build a website. Not today. You don’t have to know HTML or any codes. You just have to be able to read and use a toolbar. Sites like GoDaddy that offer you user-friendly tools to build your website are well worth the few bucks they charge to host your site. Remember, you are not in a contest to create a state of the art website, but simply a place to hang your hat, so to speak, and promote your product, which is your e-book.

Not everyone who markets an e-book uses a website. Some will use a webpage. A webpage is usually free. No monthly fee and easy to set up. You may not even have to pay for a domain name. There are two good reasons why you don’t want to use a free webpage to promote your product:

  1. You usually can’t have your own ads on these free sites but have to use their ads (how do you think they are paying for your space?)
  2. You will have to use a subdomain name. If, for example, you get a webpage at, your web address will be Quite a mouthful. It’s better to have, don’t you think?

Websites are not difficult to establish and are cheap to keep running. And you can make money on your website in a number of different ways which we will discuss later in this book.

Once you have a host, you can start building your website.

Building Your Website

There are tutorials, software, and tools that can be used to create a website. If I can do it, anyone in the world can do this. Remember, you are not trying to win an award for “best website ever” but simply create an attractive website that will be picked up in the search engines and where you can showcase the product that you are selling, which is your e-book.

Read: Step by Step Guide on How to Create a WordPress Website, Blog and eCommerce Store.

In addition to using your website to promote your e-book, you will also want to use your website to work for you. This means that you can put content on your website that will draw people to your site and also promote ads.

You will want to give people something to read on your website as well as some free information. This will entice them to read your book to find out more. Give them just enough information, in content, so that they are inclined to purchase your product.

In addition to text, do not be afraid to use video. You can use music videos off of YouTube or even create your own video or audio for your site. The more entertaining the video, the more interesting your site will be. If the video is very original and entertaining, you might get some viral traffic. This means that people who visit your site will send a link of your site to their friends.

If you can upload text onto your website, you can upload video content. It’s never been easier than now. And because digital camcorders are cheap, you can create your own videos and upload them in minutes.

In addition to text and videos, you will also want to add some graphics. Most tools that are used to help you build your website incorporate graphics that are in the public domain into the site. If you want to put in your own photos, you have to make sure that they are royalty-free, you own the rights or are in the public domain.

Getting photographs or background images for your website that are in the public domain is easy. You can find them on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, the information of which is all in the public domain. This means that it is free to use.

Make sure the content on your website is relevant to your e-book. Give out tips and information without giving away the entire book. Make it useful. You can also have RSS feeds fed into your site that will keep it updated automatically.

In addition to content that will be relevant and contain keywords that will come up in the search engines, you will also want to have affiliate links. Being an affiliate is yet another way to make money with your website which will be discussed at length later in this book.

Make your website look as attractive as possible, give out some free information, make sure that you have text that is relevant to your e-book and don’t forget to have a link to purchase the ebook.

You are going to want to update your website as often as possible so that it stays prominent in the search engines. The more you update, the better off you are. But you have to remember that the purpose of the website is to sell your e-book. Make it fun. Make it entertaining. Make it something that someone will want to link to, but above all, SELL YOUR E-BOOK!

Be sure to have a link to the site which is distributing your e-book. And make it very easy for someone to find as well.

While you are building your website, you are going to want to also get a distributor for your e-book.

Finding an E-book Distributor

There are hundreds of different e-book distributors online. Think about it -someone buys your book and wants to download it right away. It’s at 2 a.m. Do they have to wait until you check your e-mail in order to get the book when they want the information right away?

What prevents the person who receives your e-book from sharing it with all of their friends once they receive it?

Do you have all day to fill orders for e-books? What if you go on vacation or your computer server goes down? Can you afford to lose business?

You will want to invest in an e-book distributor. Whether you use software or a distributor who will automatically send your e-book with a code to the buyers online, you are going to want this option. There is a reason why people buy an e-book over a regular book. The reason is that they can get it right away. You never want to lose a sale because someone has to wait.

If you don’t have a code put into the e-book, you run the risk of having your buyer share the book with everyone he knows. There are e-book distributors who will insert a code in the book that will still allow the buyer to send the e-book to others, but they will get only a sample of the book. This may actually work in your favor as they may be intrigued to buy the book themselves.

An e-book distributor can make sure that your customers are able to download the book any time of the day or night. They will make sure that the book is secure and that people cannot share it with others. This is well worth the small fee that they will charge per book. Take a look at the various e-book distributors online and pick one who will give you the best deal.

Once your e-book is ready to be sold and your website is up and running, it is the time to start promoting your product through e-marketing.

How To Promote Your Website

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No matter what type of book you have, how well it is priced or how well it is written, it isn’t worth anything if no one knows it exists. You have to promote your website in order to promote your book. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this that won’t cost you a dime.

Free Article Posting

Check out some of the websites that allow free articles to be posted. One place where you can post an article is While you cannot post links to your website in your article, there is a box at the end where you can post your website link. Those who are interested in your article can then access your website.

You will want to make sure that you give the readers good information that is useful, without giving away the store. You also should make sure that you proclaim yourself an expert in the field in which you are writing. This will enable you to sell more books.
You can usually submit up to 10 articles on Ezine. Make sure that they are loaded with keywords that will bring people from the search engines to your article and thus to your website.

But don’t stop there. There are many other websites that allow free article posting. Make sure that you check them all out and post the same articles. Remember that you own the rights to the articles you are posting and that you can post them wherever you want, all over the net. This not only gives you plenty of exposure but allows the articles to come up further in the search engines.

Social Networking

Get a blog at every social networking site that you can. A blog is written in the first person and does not have to be grammatically correct. You can use your blog and social networking site to draw attention to your articles and website.

Most social networking sites have a place where you can post your affiliate websites. This includes other websites where you are connected. You will want to put your website as your affiliate site.

When you write your blog, you can post links to your website through the hyperlink feature in the content. You can also post the same blog on every social networking site where you belong. There is even software that you can use to make this easier.

Make sure that your blog is easy to read, relevant to your e-book and contains a lot of the same keywords that are contained in your e-book and website. This will make it easier for it to come up on the search engines.

Make sure that you update your blog every day so that you can continue to draw people to your website.

Here are some tips on using social networking sites in your favor:

  • Remember to use as many sites as possible, you can post the same blogs;
  • There’s no rule that says you can only have one identity on each site;
  • Post a photo of someone very attractive to draw attention to your site;
  • Make comments in the forums to draw attention to your networking page and thus to your site;
  • Continue to update your blog daily so you can maintain status in the search engines;
  • Use a name that is unique for everything so that it comes up in the search engines.

For example, you are not going to want to use a name like Michelle Williams when you write your book, even if that is your proper name. There are millions of people with this name and two prominent stars. If you have a name that is very common like Michelle Williams or Joe Smith, you will want to change your name to a pen name so that it will come up in the search engines.

Remember that you are not on social networking sites to meet friends but to sell your book. Each blog that you post should be relevant to your book. Each post in the forums that you post should be designed to draw people to your social networking site.

Make sure that you proclaim yourself as an expert in your social networking site “about me” bio. This will give you more creditability when it comes to selling your e-book.


In addition to social networking sites, there are also thousands of bookmarking sites on the internet. These include Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, and others. Bookmarking sites make it easier for you to find your articles in the search engines.

Any time you post an article on any website, make sure that you also submit it to the bookmarking sites. This will give you additional publicity for your article and will draw more readers. The more readers you get, the better opportunity you have to draw them to your website and entice them to buy your book. Bookmarking is free and easy to use.

You can also open up multiple accounts at any of the bookmarking sites and “vote” for your articles repeatedly. This will bring them to prominence on the site. The more votes your article gets, the more it will be viewed. You can have as many alter egos as you like. Open up a bunch of e-mail accounts at g-mail and Yahoo and you can go to town.


When I wanted to promote my cheap recipes book, I visited a lot of sites that were geared towards homemakers and others who liked to cook and were on a budget. There are thousands of sites like this on the internet and I tried to hit them all.

I registered at each site. I spent nearly a day doing this. I tried to use the same username and password for each site as well so it was easier for me. I then went on the forums of the different sites and “made friends.” I started by posting a recipe from my book for others to share.

Before I knew it, people were commenting on my recipes and thanking me for posting. I made some more small talk and told them that I wrote a book on cheap recipes and posted a link in the forums.

Posting unsolicited links to your website in forums is called forum spamming. It is usually not looked upon favorably by the forum police who usually have nothing better to do with their time than monitor forums on the website. But once you have established contact with the others on the site, you will not look like your spamming but helping.

The trick is to look like “one of the guys.” This can work very well in your favor and can bring many people to your website. You can post on the forums when you have nothing else to do. This can be an excellent and free way to garner publicity for your website and product.

If the forum police catch you and accuse you of spamming, they will not imprison you or deport you but simply revoke your membership to their site. At which time, you can simply enter the site with another identity used from a different e-mail address.

You may get people who accuse you of spamming. But chances are that you will get more people who visit your site. Remember that you are not on the site to make friends but to sell your e-book and hit up as many forums as you can.

Free Reports

What is a free report? A report is generally a mini e-book. It is about 25 pages long, give or take a page. It is a way to give someone free information that will entice them to buy your e-book. You can make your report as long or short as you like. The basic concept is to give some, but not all, of the information of your e-book away.

If someone enjoys reading your report and gains knowledge from the information stated in your report, chances are that they will also enjoy reading your e-book. This is a great way to get them to buy your e-book. You can offer a FREE report to people on your website.

This is not something that you have to code as you do not care if they pass this around to all of their friends. It is merely a sample of what they will be getting if they buy your book.
There are few words in the English language that are as beloved as the word ‘free.” People will generally take anything, as long as it’s free. Whether they need it or not. They might even be inclined to share your free report with their friends. This is where you will pick up some viral marketing business.

You can advertise your free report all over the internet in the same way as you would advertise your website. In some places where you can post free articles, you can post a link to get their free report. Remember to make sure that the report is well written, informative, and leaves the reader wanting more.

If you have any doubt that reports will work to procure customers -consider this: Books that have samples featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Women’s Day will sell approximately 75 percent more copies than those that are not featured. If you are a new author, which you are, you need to give them a little taste of your work.


Free newsletters can also garner attention to your website. These are generally easy to create and distribute. This can be yet another way to create viral interest in your product.
You can send out a newsletter to all of your subscribers each month. This should give some free tips about your product as well as fun games, puzzles, and even jokes. The newsletter should be fun and something that people wish to get. You can use quotes and anything else that is in the public domain.

You can even make up horoscopes in your newsletter. Simply re-write another horoscope that you see somewhere else. You cannot plagiarize by copying the text, but you can rewrite the idea behind the horoscope. Be sure that everything you send out in your newsletter is 100 percent originally written or is definitely within the public domain.

E-Mail Marketing

If you have friends who send you long poems that have been traveling around the internet since the beginning of time and you are 1,000th in their list of “friends” who get this information, send them your link. As a matter of fact, send the link to everyone on the list. If you are like me, you have dozens of people who send you e-mails like this all of the time. You can delete them or make them work for you. Chances are that one person on that list will be interested in your book. My own mother, who sends me every urban legend that comes along as an “alert” is probably responsible for a good many of my sales as I hit “reply to all” and sent a link to my website.

You never know when you are going to find someone who is interested in what you have to say. If they are not interested, they need only hit “delete” and they do not have to be bothered.

Press Releases

Do you have a breakthrough product that has never before been revealed? Then why not write a press release and issue it virally throughout the internet. Create a news article about your product and post it on the free news websites on the internet. Of course, you will have to use a pen name in order to do this. It simply won’t do for you to actually write about your own e-book.

You can send a press release to any site that will print free articles. Remember that you are announcing that there is a new breakthrough and it is found in your book. The press release for my book on cheap recipes was “Woman reveals 100 dinners for less than $5.” This was written by me, under an assumed name, and posted throughout the internet. It worked well to draw people to my site and to purchase my e-book. Remember that the trick is to always make it look as if you are giving someone information and not trying to sell them something.


In order to send e-mails that include updates and sales information, you need to get e-mail addresses. One way to do this is to have anyone who wants the free information that you are giving out on your website register. This will enable you to get their e-mail address.

Once they register with your site, they will automatically get a link posted to their e-mail. This ensures that they are using the right e-mail. They can click on the link and they are registered and able to get your free information and newsletter. And you have their e-mail. You will then use the e-mail to give them the newsletter and give them up to date information that is designed to get them to purchase your product.

Depending upon the nature of your product, that e-mail might be more valuable than you think. As long as you don’t put a disclaimer on your website, there is nothing to stop you from selling that information to others who might want to contact the person with the e-mail to try to sell them a related product. Such lists often can be sold for a few hundred dollars as long as they are accurate and have plenty of names. The more information you collect, the more you can demand the list.

Once you have a list of e-mails from those who are interested in your site, you can not only sell the information, but you can also put your autoresponder plan into effect.


What is the autoresponder? This is a marketing tool in which you send a brief e-mail each day to a potential customer with a free tip. The e-mail tells the potential buyer all of the reasons why he or she should purchase the e-book and that they had better act soon.

Each day, a different autoresponder e-mail is sent to the clients, urging them to act right away and giving them more free tips. This goes on for about 10 days, with each message getting more urgent. Finally, they get the last message and, if they do not act, are taken off the list.

You can easily set up an autoresponder ad system for a few dollars online. There are hundreds of different sites that will assist you in this marketing manner. By directly e-mailing your customer, giving them free tips and urging them to act right away while they can still take advantage of the offer, you are incorporating every marketing tool possible to get them to buy your product. There is no better way than direct contact and this allows you to contact them directly for 10 days in a row.

Autoresponder is set up so that it works automatically. Once you enter the information such as the e-mails that you wish to contact and the autoresponder dialog, you can sit back and allow the program to do the work. This is an effective marketing tool and has been known to work in 60 percent of cases in which it is used. Furthermore, an autoresponder is not an expensive program to use. You can even purchase software that will enable you to program your own computer to send out autoresponder without having to use a service.

Offline Promoting

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Do not just promote your website online. You can promote it offline as well. You can order custom t-shirts and hats relatively inexpensively online that can advertise your website. You can even send these gifts to people who order your e-book. Coffee cups, golf balls, and other items can easily be personalized for very little money.

Another way you can promote your website offline is to post brochures in places where public information is posted. This includes the Laundromat as well as the grocery store.

Make sure that you talk about your business when you encounter people. It is natural to ask people what they do for a living when you meet someone new. Have cards available so that someone can visit your website. Never allow an opportunity to pass you by when it comes to promoting your product.

You can also have your e-book printed into a print and ink book and promote it at local bookstores and libraries. Most libraries are looking for speakers who will come in and discuss their book, especially if it is a non-fiction book. As you are an old pro and have sold thousands of copies of your e-book online, you are now an expert in your field. You can give a talk at the local library and tout your book.

While online marketing can be all that you need in order to cash in on the multi-million dollar business of e-books, you can also make money and garner fame if you market yourself offline as well.

Promoting your e-book offline is effective if you plan to hang on to your book. Of course, you will want to make sure that the book is copyrighted before you promote the book offline.

Making Your Website Work For You

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So you have your website and your e-book and are marketing it very well. Is that all? No! There are many other ways to make money with your website that have nothing to do with your e-book. As long as you are marketing your website and trying to draw as much traffic as possible to your site, you might as well kill as many birds with this stone as possible.

There are two easy ways that you can use to make money just by having a website alone. They involve procuring advertisements on your site. You can use pay per click ads or affiliate links and get money each time someone buys a product or clicks on an ad. This can really add up for you and bring in hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a month.

Pay per click ads

Once you have established your website, go to AdSense or GoogleAds and sign up for this service. This is free. You will open an account and they will take a look at your site. They will then post pay per click ads on your site. Each time someone visits your site and clicks on an ad, you will get paid money.

Pay per click ad revenue can really ad up. The ads will have to be relevant to your website, but Google normally puts several different pay per click ads on one site. You will want many ads, but not so many that it takes up your entire site.

By having a website, you have the freedom of being able to attract advertisement that pays you, instead of the sponsoring site. And because you can have many different pages on your website, you can make the most of the ads.

Pay per click ads can range from banner ads to links. You do not have to rely on one site to provide the ads, either. Check out other advertising revenue all over the internet.

Make sure that you do not litter your site with too many ads. You will still want your site to be relevant and informational. If you have too many ads, people will pass your site over thinking it is just a site for ads. Remember that the content that you display on your site will dictate the type of ads that you will receive on your website.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are a little different than pay per click ads and generate more revenue. An affiliate link is used to get business to a site and can be placed anywhere on your website, even in your text. You are trying to get someone to buy a certain product or subscribe to a certain site.

When I had my website selling my cheap recipes book, I also became an affiliate for a few websites that sold cooking products. Every time someone from my site clicked on the link and purchased something from their site, I got a percentage of the profit. It was a win-win situation for me as it cost me nothing and I could only earn money.

In order to make my affiliate links look more like information and less like advertising, I wrote articles that pertained to the affiliate links and put them on my website. These were informational articles that were helpful to a reader but also gave a link to the affiliate site which was selling whatever I was touting in my article.

This ended up getting me more revenue on my site. The articles were not difficult for me to write, only took a few minutes of my time, and ended up bringing me several hundred dollars a week in ad revenue.

Becoming an affiliate for any website is simple. You need to only sign up. Make sure that the site has some sort of connection to your website and product in some way so that your articles don’t seem out of place.

Also, make sure that the article is totally informational and does not seem like a sales pitch. People are often turned off by blatant attempts to seduce them into buying something. You are better off to give information, a link, and allow the buyer to make up his or her own mind.

You can have as many affiliates as you want on your website. Just be sure to tie them into your website and general topic or else they will not only seem out of place, but the articles will most likely be ineffective as they will not be aimed at the correct target market.

Using affiliate links and pay per click ads can add much revenue to your website. You can get paid right through your Paypal account. It is well worth the effort to become an affiliate for a few websites as it has the potential of bringing in a lot of money.

There are some people who just have websites solely for the purpose of having ad and affiliate revenue. If you have a website, you can usually add several pages to your site and can feature many different products with which you are affiliated. Again, the trick to affiliates is to make it look as if you are not selling anything but offering free information.

The more information that you provide on your website, the more potential you will have for making money on your website and allowing your website to work for you.

Using Testimonials

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The use of testimonials employs one of the oldest marketing tools in history which is called “the bandwagon.” The bandwagon relies on the idea that people will naturally want to buy something that others have already endorsed and that most people covet. Most folks want to be part of the crowd or, so to speak, jump on the bandwagon.

If you are unlucky enough not to be on a first name basis with Oprah Winfrey, you will have to find your own endorsements for your product. This includes getting testimonials from just about anyone and everyone.

The use of testimonials in advertising is far from new. Celebrities were often used to tout different products. In addition to celebrities, it was often desired to have the endorsement of those people who were considered intelligent or above everyone else. Camel cigarettes used to use the slogan that theirs was the cigarette that was “favored by doctors.” Doctors were considered to be more intelligent than anyone else and if Camel cigarettes were good enough for them, they were good enough for anyone else.

How do you get people to endorse your product? There are several different ways you can do this.

You make up fake people

Shocked? You needn’t be. People do this all the time. Do you really think that the Camel cigarette company polled all the doctors in the United States before they stated their claim back in the 1940s? Do you really think someone did a poll and found out that three out of four dentists preferred a certain gum or toothpaste? This is just a marketing strategy. You can use it, too.

You will not be doing anything new if you make up a fake person who endorses your product. People are inclined to believe everything that they read. No one is going to do extensive research if you make up a fake person who endorses your book. However, you should be sure not to have only fake people who are endorsing your book. You should mix them in with real people.

Pay them

Paying someone a few dollars to give you a testimonial can really work wonders. You would be surprised at how well it works with people. Do you really think that celebrities care so much for the products that they tout that they are willing to lend their name to the sponsor without money? No, they are well paid for their endorsements. You don’t have to pay them much – $5 should do it. Put an ad on Craig’s List for writers to write a review and pay them $5. It’s well worth the money. For $20 you get four real people who will testify that they have read your book and that it really helped them.

Use Friends and Family

Of course, you won’t want to use family members with your same name, assuming you are using your real name. And if your book really takes off, especially if you plan on printing a pen and ink version of the book, you don’t want your mom being one of your testimonials. But you can use other relatives and friends to give testimony that your book is great.

Use your testimonials on your website as well as on your e-book. You will also want to
incorporate them on your reports or newsletters as well. Testimonials are a powerful form of advertising. People will always be more inclined to buy something if they feel that others have purchased it as well and were well satisfied.

Make sure that the testimonials are short and sweet. They should not be too long and should not sound too sappy. You can even write them yourself and just get people to sign their names to them.

Of course, if someone actually gives you a real testimonial, you should phase out your contrived testimonials and replace them with the real McCoy. Hopefully, if you do a good job with your book and market it well, you will soon have real testimonials from satisfied customers.


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Most e-book authors offer a cash back guarantee if someone is not satisfied with their purchase. This is yet another marketing ploy. Most people will not take you up on this offer, even if they are not satisfied. Most people are just too lazy to actually ask for their money back.

The cash back guarantee is only good for a limited time. The shorter the better. You do not want to be giving someone money back after a year. The cash back guarantee is usually good for at least a week and no more than a month.

Giving a guarantee is an act of good faith. By offering a guarantee, you are saying that you believe in the book and that no one will possibly want their money back after reading it. Someone will be less inclined to ask for their money back if there is a guarantee that if there is no guarantee. This is because people do not want to feel that they are “the only one” who does not like something.

A guarantee is merely a marketing tool and a very effective one at that. You really have nothing to lose if you offer this guarantee. An e-book is not like a print book. It costs you nothing to send it to someone. If you have your website set up so that it sends the e-book to the customer automatically, you are out absolutely nothing if someone asks for a refund.
If there are fees associated with the transaction, such as Paypal fees, they are incurred by the buyer, not by you. You do not have to pay back any transaction fees, just the cost of the book.

Ways To Collect Revenue

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If you don’t have a Paypal account, open one when you start your website. This will enable people to pay you with credit cards, checks or through their Paypal account. Paypal will even exchange currency from other countries.

All funds that you receive should be received electronically. You don’t want to have the expense of setting up a post office account and collecting checks that may or may not bounce. This is not an efficient way to operate your business. A person who is interested in an e-book should be tech-savvy enough to have a credit card, debit card or Paypal account.
Opening up a Paypal account is easy. You can link it to your bank account and have the funds transferred right from your account into your checking or savings account. You can even get a Paypal debit card that can be used like a charge card that actually pays you money back every time you use it.

You want to make it both fast and convenient for people to pay for your book. It should be done in an instant. Make sure that you are open to accepting all types of payment electronically so that you do not turn anyone away. The more you accept, the better off you are.

Marketing Through E-Book Sites

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Once you have your e-book published, you will be marketing it through your website as much as possible. However, this is not the only way that you can market your book. You can also get an ISBN number that will enable you to have it listed on Amazon and other sites that sell books to buyers.

Another way to market your book is to sell it on eBay. Selling e-books on eBay is not difficult. You can either open an eBay store or sell the book at the online auction. And eBay is not the only auction house online. There are other auction sites as well. Make sure that you list your book at all sites that offer a free listing.

You should be more than willing to give a percentage of the profits to any site that sells your book. The percentage can be negotiated, but remember that anything that you make on your e-book is all profit. Again, this is not a print book that costs money to produce. A click of the mouse is all you need to send it to a customer.

As you are using your website as an affiliate, you can also ask others to be an affiliate for your product as well. Offer an affiliate membership for your website so that people can make some money by offering your product on their sites. There is really no end to the different ways that you can market your product – you are only limited by your imagination.

Market your e-book in any way that you can, especially those that cost nothing but a percentage. There are hundreds of different sites that will offer your book to customers and will only take a small percentage of your profit. The more exposure you get for your book, the more books you can sell.

Translation Options

Do not feel that you can only sell your book in the United States. If your book relates to something that can be useful for worldwide, you can have it translated into other languages. There are writers who will be glad to do this for a fee. You can find them on or other sites that offer jobs for writers.

Translating the book into other languages can give you the option of selling your book to those in other countries. The internet is worldwide. There is no reason to concentrate all your sales only on those who speak English. You for a small fee, you can have the e-book translated to another language and be able to sell more copies.

Keep It Moving

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Once you have tapped into all of the marketing strategies to get people to buy your e-book and have been using every way possible to not only market your book but also make money off of your website, you have to keep the momentum going. This means that you have to make sure that your website does not get stale.

There are various ways that you can keep your website up to date so that it remains prominent in the search engines. Some of the ways to do this are as follows:

Use Widgets or Gadgets

These are little codes that can be incorporated into your website. They look like little cartoons and can be connected to anything that updates all of the time. One way to do this is to connect a gadget or a widget to a daily horoscope website or a weather website. Each time that site updates, it will seem as though your site is also updating, even though you have not done anything.

A widget or gadget can be obtained easily through Yahoo or Google. Both of them offer these little codes that look like little pictures on your site and will keep the site updated in the search engines.

Use RSS Feeds

RSS feeds can also be incorporated into your website. This will keep your website updated and you can connect the site to any other site that offers an RSS feed. This is simple to do and does not require any extensive computer knowledge. Simply right-click onto the orange “RSS” icon in a website that is relevant to yours, copy the shortcut and post it in the appropriate place on your website.

Each time the website updates, your website updates as well. If you have the RSS feeds connected to articles, the articles will appear on your site. Again, this gives the search engines the impression that your site is a lot more active than it is.

Rewrite Articles

You can continue to rewrite the same articles on your site over and over again so that they appear to be fresh and updated. It is not difficult to rewrite an article and only takes a manner of minutes. If the article is yours, you can leave in as much of the original information as you like.

By constantly updating your articles on your website, you are keeping your website fresh. This is important as you never want your site to get stale or the e-book to seem dated. Constantly updating your articles is one way to keep your site current.

An e-book does not have a long shelf life. Unlike a printed book, it will not last forever. You can not expect your e-book to be popular for a long period of time. It is not like a book that will go into reprint after reprint.

Be aware that you cannot copyright an idea. You may be able to copyright your book and should, but you cannot copyright the idea for your book. Others will see the book and rewrite it. They will take your book apart and use it to rewrite articles that they will call their own.

You need to make as much money out of your book within the first few months of publication. When it is new and fresh is when you will make the bulk of your profits. If you have a really good idea, milk it for all you can and then sell it.

Yes, you can sell your website and rights to your e-book and articles to someone else who wants to make money. You can do this on eBay or a number of other places. This is one way that you can make a quick profit in the e-book business. You can auction your proven business to others on eBay and make your money. Then you can come up with another idea for another e-book and start all over.

If you do not want to sell your e-book, make sure that you have a copyright and then consider going to a print publication through a site like Lulu. Remember that the print media is very competitive and can also end up being costly. You will have to pay a printing fee for each book that is sold.

Even really good ideas are turned down by the popular publishing houses. However, if you enjoy the fame that goes along with being an author and don’t mind appearing at bookstores and libraries, you may opt for this option instead of selling the entire works at an auction.

Once you have written your e-book and have marketed it, you will probably learn even more tips and strategies. You can continue to employ them in your e-book industry and improve with each book that you write.

You do not have to have stellar writing skills in order to write a successful e-book. You do have to have an imagination for something that is a bit different and has a bit of a hook and basic marketing skills. This is a business that is here to stay as people grow even more hungry for information. Now that you know exactly how to start your own e-book business, get busy writing and allow your ideas to spread to the world.

I hope you had a pleasant read 🙂

This post was published on September 8, 2018 5:20 AM

Anant Vijay Soni

A passionate blogger and serial youtuber, timely efforts, and dedication are the key protocols that keep me succeeding. I love to share information about WordPress, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Online, Email Marketing and much more.

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