
Top Secret Tips to Improve Your English Writing Skills

Now that you speak English, it's time to start improving your writing skills. Part of being fluent in English requires you to be a capable and confident writer. When you will communicate with native English speakers through nonverbal communication, your writing skills will be helpful. Being able to speak English is quite easy, on the other hand, writing can be more complex. However, as you begin to integrate into an English or even international society, you will find that you are using more nonverbal communication. And while you can get away with not knowing the correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation when in casual conversation, writing will reveal all these flaws. To help you get started, here I have listed the best tips for developing writing skills. Additionally, you can refer to this Cheap Custompapers to know more tricks and tips to write effectively.

Everyone knows that getting the most out of your English speaking and writing skills takes a lot of practice. That is all you have to do. Practice, practice, and practice more!

  • Determine your level: Knowing your abilities are at any rate is the basis for you to choose for themselves the right lessons; avoid work: the lesson is too easy – you are bored, the lesson is too difficult – you are not learning.
  • Determine the best way for you to learn: Find a website that teaches you how you like to learn; From there, you will be interested in accessing and learning steadily every day.
  • Choose the subject you like: When learning is related to your interests, the things you love – you will be inspired and motivated to learn English more, every day.
  • Schedule a fixed daily schedule: Learning English needs to be done regularly and regularly so you should schedule yourself to study English at a certain time of the day and follow that schedule.
  • Do not forget the practical activities: Whether you study on hundreds of websites, real-life communication still gives you a certain learning effect. You need to be in real life!

Top Secret Tips to Improve Your English Writing & Speaking Skills

Improve Your English Speaking Skills

Learn new phrases and words

To speak fluent English, you must have a sufficiently broad vocabulary. So try to learn and memorize at least three new phrases a day. Instead of immediately trying to speak complete sentences, learn English sentences and word combinations. So try to use them as much as possible.

Phrases, like get up and run out of, will help you speak English more fluently. Remember to repeat those phrases you have already learned. Test yourself at the end of each week to see how much you remember.

Be sure to pronounce the words and phrases learned as much as you can. You do not have to learn them from any list. Understanding words and using them in the right context is essential to their evolution.

Speaking correctly is not the most important aspect

To speak English fluently, you should be able to speak without constantly stopping to think about which word to use or to evaluate if the sentence is grammatically correct. When speaking, do not focus on grammar. It's better to just talk – and talk as simply as possible.

Do not use complex sentences if you are unsure of their meaning. It is better to speak simply but correctly.

Chat in English

You can practice with a native English speaker at or other websites.

It is also possible to chat with other English students. For example, can you use how-do-you-do?

Improve Your English Writing Skills

Make use of free grammar checking services

I recommend that you use these services: GingerSoftware, Grammarcheck or Grammarly. They correct your mistakes as soon as you make them. These sites will help you stay alert, which will lead to fewer errors.

Use other helpful resources

There are several helpful resources where you can find helpful information; they can even be fun, and you can communicate with others through writing.

For example:

  • Read more in English

Follow these fluency tips to conquer English writing.

1. Read more to write better

Writing and reading go hand in hand. If you are thinking of improving your English writing skills, you should read many more English books. Good quality English books are better, those that have been correctly edited and published by a trusted publisher. However, there are several other convenient methods you could implement to start reading more.

Try to read blogs, subscribing to more number of news channels, read English newspapers, and even reading English comments on websites. You can develop various writing styles from the different things you read, a newspaper will teach you a more professional tone, and a blog or blog. comment on how to create casual and interactive content.

2. Improve your English writing by journaling

Constantly writing will greatly improve your writing skills. Focus on writing instead of typing whenever possible and especially as a beginner. Try journaling every day. Keeping a journal will help you improve your vocabulary and writing skills. When you are writing in your journal, focus on sentence structure and writing style. Your writing style should be appropriate for the occasion and if you are feeling sad or downcast, describe how you are feeling. This should help you improve your English writing skills, but it will be helpful when it is time to speak English.

3. Avoid slang and text abbreviations

When you want to improve writing skills, avoid slang like the plague. Slang is your enemy if you want to write good English and write the correct English. The same goes for abbreviations like LOL, etc. You will not be able to improve your English writing skills or writing skills if you are constantly drifting into slang. This will also make reading your text positively painful for any native speaker. Although “Thou” is a word, the word you are looking for is nonetheless. That is not a word you think. These examples are some examples. Overall, slang negatively affects spelling and makes it difficult to understand what you are trying to convey. The importance of using proper English at all times should not be overlooked and,

4. Listen and write (transcribe)

While you are listening to the recording, you can write about what you are listening to. Once you have finished writing the recording, you can edit your writing by looking for spelling errors as well as grammar and punctuation errors. The same goes the other way around, after you finish writing your recording, read your writing aloud.

5. Write more

As well as keeping an English journal you must focus on writing in all forms. You can find places online where you can enter your work in competitions and will give you essays to write about. This will improve your English writing skills. You are also leaving your comfort zone by having to write about subjects you may know very little about.

The more you write, the more you will notice that your writing is improving. If you don't want to participate in competitions, write your daily tasks in English, things like shopping lists, to-do lists, reminders and times can be written in English. You can also write more and interact on social media and digital English channels. Find a topic that interests you and write in English forums about these topics. Writing daily is the only way to improve.

6. Visit an English-speaking country

If you are struggling to improve your reading and writing skills on your own, there is no better place to improve your writing ability than in an English-speaking country. Once again, in this tip, you will notice that reading everything in English and having to conduct your daily life in English will improve your writing skills. Studying in English will also force you to read English more and, with English assignments, ensure you are writing regularly.

Also, try taking an English course.

7. Get Feedback

Never think that your writing skills are perfect and able to accept constructive criticism and feedback from anyone. What you may forget in your writing could be a stark mistake for a native. So whenever you are writing, be open to people who are correcting you. If someone does not understand what you are saying, there are two ways to show you. The first is that they do not answer correctly, the second (most obvious) is that they ask what you are trying to say. If you think people are constantly misunderstanding you as well then you need to keep improving your skills.

8. Use an app or buy a dictionary and thesaurus

Apps like Grammarly can help you tremendously improve your writing style. It may not be the solution for you if you are just starting, but once you have the basics of English mastered, you should try Grammarly. This app (and the website) correct your grammar and spelling mistakes and offers an alternative.

If you don't want to install an app, a simple dictionary and thesaurus will work. It probably won't help you learn new words, but once you've heard or read a word, you can look it up in a thesaurus or dictionary to understand what it means. A thesaurus will show synonyms (words with similar meaning) and a dictionary will show the definition of a word. Both are essential when you want to learn to write in English.

9. Keep your dictionary and notebook.

When you learn new words that can improve your writing ability. Or when you have learned about grammar and spelling “secrets” and techniques, you can write it all down in your notebook. One that you can go through later and that you understand.

10. Think English

This may seem strange, but many foreign students think of their native language and then translate their language into English. This is not ideal. Foreign languages ​​and English rarely use similar sentence structure. If you want to improve your skills, think of English. Thinking about language, you will find that your writing is more natural and not forced. And while you are thinking, you will also know where you need to improve your skills. If you keep forgetting words or phrases, these are things you need to practice. Remember practice makes perfect. You will notice that thinking of English improves your writing and your ability to speak as well.

11. Write simply

Often, non-native speakers think that using larger and more complex words will mask their obvious writing deficiencies. Or they may just want to show off their new writing skills. Forget it. Keep words short and simple. Even if you come across a new word, don't be quick to add it to your writing (or speaking) toolbox. Knowing big words is good, but using them can make your writing seem forced and unnatural. Native speakers usually write simply and do not use all the 177 000 words in the English language.

12. Write for the occasion

This is very important. English writing styles will change depending on the setting and reason for saving changes. When you are writing for professional purposes, prefer to write in a professional tone. Your writing may be more formal and should easily convey your message. You must be polite but not overly friendly. Remember that someone on the other side of your electronic communication will be reading and will not know how you wrote it or in what tone. So keep it formal but simple. For more casual communication, you can write in any tone you choose, and in fact, you should avoid sounding too formal, as English speakers are never formal in casual situations.

Websites to Improve English Writing Skills

In addition to reading and pronunciation, proper writing in English is key to expressing yourself in the language. The writing is one of the media most in any language and English is no exception. Although it is necessary to have a rich vocabulary and pronounce the words as they should be pronounced, if we do not have optimal writing skills in the Anglo-Saxon language, we probably cannot get along with our interlocutors.

The English writing is, like all writing, an art that must be exercised to perfect. If we seek to express ourselves with total ease, without being tied to our limitations of vocabulary or syntax, it is necessary to deepen our knowledge in the language.

Communicating in English can be done by anyone, but writing in different styles, generating deep content and finding the right words for what you want to express is not an easy task. To achieve this it is vital to learn some grammatical, pragmatic, stylistic questions and start practicing to improve day by day.

Thinking of those who seek to improve their writing in English is that from Universia we select some essential websites to improve skills in this communicative field and to expand academic and professional horizons.

Best Websites to Improve English Writing Skills


It is a platform that contains numerous online resources to learn more about the grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language.

It contains rules on syntax, spelling, and punctuation, among other tools, which are very useful for those who want to know the language in-depth and improve their writing skills.


This website is an editing program used to edit texts in English of up to 3000 words. It is a software used by professionals in the language that allows us to see what can be improved in each text.

Shows suggestions to improve syntax eliminates matching and spelling errors and reveals some synonyms to replace words and improve our style.


It is one of the best online resources to improve vocabulary in English and correct mistakes. It works as a word processor where errors are marked and synonyms are shown to enrich the vocabulary.

This tool allows you to download an extension for Chrome for free and is responsible for checking all emails, messages on social networks and all content that is written in English.

It is a tool that is especially responsible for improving the readability of texts in English, an issue that few people take into account when improving their language skills.

It proposes readability scales and suggests changes to make the text clearer and more understandable. With this resource, any content can be optimized to facilitate communication between sender and receiver, or even to make it more enjoyable.

Hemingway App

A resource that cannot be ignored by those who seek to improve their writing in English. Hemingway App processes different texts in the language and analyzes the statements, the mode, the voices in which it is expressed and the kinds of words used to suggest modifications and optimize the text.

It also contains a tool that measures readability to know if the content structure is the best or should be modified.


This is the website of Cambridge specializing in writing errors. Just click on an existing topic on the page, complete the post and press the submit button, in a few minutes the computer will check and give the suggested level (A1 – C2), the sentences you write correctly and the sentences you need to improve.

The biggest drawback of this website is that: because of the dots, many places are not very satisfied, but for people who are self-taught writing, this is a great tool to check what they write.

Grammar Girl

When you start exploring this website, you will realize that grammarians (grammarians) are not “knowledgeable” people. Even English-speaking native speakers find Grammar Girl very helpful because it offers so many complex grammar rules of English.


This is a social network about IELTS writing, where people can easily share their writing with everyone for suggestions, exchange and learn. There is also a professional team ready to fix your problem, not too dependent on the user.

ESOL Courses

This website offers a variety of exercises such as spelling, word filling, and listening. After each brief explanation of photos and videos, you can start practicing writing and check the results right away.


This website helps you correct both writing and speaking, and the grammatical errors included in the article. Usage is quite simple, you only need to register an account and then post your article on the web, only about 10 seconds the website will analyze for you relevant parameters to your article. For example, grammatical errors, content lack of approval, and share your tips for better writing.

Essay forum

This site is the # 1 choice for many writing learners. The minus point is that the interface is not very friendly. But the biggest advantage is that the Essay forum support team are all seasoned people. Essay forum is considered to be highly academic so your posts also need to reach a “certain” level before posting on the website to receive suggestions to improve your writing skills.

English forums

All of the judges here are native speakers, they fix it very quickly, within 24 hours, there is a correction for you. Also, they are very enthusiastic, you have questions about the article they are all explained to you. However, they only correct according to the habits and grammar of native speakers, if you want to edit in-depth, you should add the topic.9. Lang-8

This is a site that requires members to register to post your articles. However, here your article can be edited by foreign friends like Anglo-American.

Lang – 8 can be considered as a social network, where you can exchange and make friends with international friends.

The Purdue Writing Lab

The Purdue Writing Lab is a place to synthesize, share and give explanations on questions during the writing practice, focusing on helping you solve problems that have not yet found the answer.

Above are some websites that you need to remember to be able to improve your English writing level effectively. Also, you should also practice listening and speaking skills because it not only supports writing skills but also can help you confidently communicate with foreigners, quickly achieve success in your work.

These are my writing finalists. As you can see from these tips for improving your writing skills, practice makes perfect. Over time you will find that your writing will flow more naturally and as a result, your speech will improve as well. You can also enroll in an English course to help you improve your writing skills and increase your writing skills so you can write like a pro.

This post was published on January 17, 2020 8:57 PM

Gabriela Shockley

I am working under the team content writer. Our goal is to hire an expert who has a good command of English and will be able to meet the expected actions of our clients. We also check if the candidates are familiar with the variety of citation styles. Then, they write a sample paper to demonstrate their analytical skills and creativity. We evaluate every single point of the writers' abilities to choose only talented and reliable candidates.

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