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Why Go from AdSense to Affiliate Marketing and Generate (Lots More) Passive Income

Why Go from AdSense to Affiliate Marketing and Generate (Lots More) Passive Income

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ~ Jimmy Dean

What IF Google bans your AdSense site… what if your site starts to drop SERP ranks… what if something out of the blue happens to your revenue, do you have a plan B?

Will Smith says that “You don’t need to have a plan B as it distracts your attention from focusing on the first plan.”

I’d say you need to diversify your income and look to generate multiple streams of passive revenue.

I have nothing against AdSense. I love it. I’ve made a bunch of money with Google. I still do nowadays. You can have a bunch of AdSense sites making you money. What I’m trying to say though is simple – Affiliate marketing can take your income next level, regardless if you have one AdSense site or 100’s.

Please don’t get me wrong. This is not meant to be an AdSense alternative type of article or Affiliate marketing vs. Google AdSense post.

I won’t talk about how bad AdSense is, and how great affiliate programs are. Both options are great. However, with affiliate marketing, you have a greater advantage.

AdSense to Affiliate Marketing – 6 Key Reasons

This does not require you to cease AdSense, in fact, you can still have your ads embedded within content, and at the same time, profit massively from affiliate programs.

What I’d do is against the norm of what most bloggers do to make their money –

1. Have one AdSense ad appears at the bottom of your post or in the footer of your site.

2. Feature another AdSense ad (250×250, or whatever fits your sidebar) below your best content (or top posts) – you want to share information first, ads second. Google loves that!

This requires you to reconsider your AdSense placement. The key is to focus on affiliate programs first, and Google’s contextual ad serving program in the back-end. If done right, the bulk of your income will come from affiliate programs.

Within a few short weeks or months, you could easily surpass your AdSense revenue.

3. Create written affiliate product reviews (YouTube clips, etc) and post them on your site.

Publish one review a week. Make it hot. Focus on money keywords (discount, review, buy, etc). Next year by this time, you’ll have 52 product reviews, most of them generating for you a nice passive income stream.

Consider one review could be making you $10 a month; within a year, you could start to pull-in $520 in monthly passive money. This is just an example, not a guarantee though.

4.  Build a squeeze page (to get your visitor's email address)

98% of first-time web site visitors usually won’t come back a second time, unless you give them a good reason to. The solution – bribe them to join your mailing list. Offer a PDF report or video clip, which is highly relevant and exclusive for your audience. That’s the law of reciprocity in action.

You can use Instapage, Here are 13 of the best squeeze pages on the web to get some inspiration.

Now, let’s talk about the reasons I promised to be sharing with you…

Reason #1 Building assets

You have visitors onto your mailing list. Your list will grow over time. Within a year, you could be building 100’s and 1,000’s of subscribers eager to read your content and buy from you.

Reason #2 Increasing page views

With a mailing list, you have the advantage of sending people back and forth your site, getting them to check similar articles, see more ads, and click on more links.

Reason #3 Increasing commissions

One day you send people to an article on how to research keywords and pre-sell a tool you’re using. The next week, you mail people about writing great articles and recommend another tool. That’s how you boot your affiliate revenue over time. The money will start adding to your bank account, and you’ll be profiting from the same subscribers over and over again.

Reason #4 Increasing subscribers

Share amazing content with your audience – stuff they cannot live without – information and insights they can only get from you — and your mailing list will enlarge. More subscribers add more revenue.

Reason #5 Increasing traffic

Amazing content gets viral online. With more traffic, you get more subscribers, which leads to more passive income. It’s all a marketing funnel that goes into the circle – benefiting you, your visitors and your subscribers at the same time.

Reason #6 Increasing posts

With AdSense, there’s a very limited number of content ideas you could be talking about, without boring your readers. With affiliate programs, you have an unlimited number of potential products to review and talk about. Sticking with AdSense alone is a limit to your money revenue.

Remember: If out of the blue, your web site revenue or AdSense income suffers, go with plan B.

Now it’s your turn to share insights from your AdSense and affiliate marketing experience. Or, feel free to send me any questions you might have about the subject, and I’ll try to give relevant answers to help take your income next level.

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